If our two choices for President in 2008 are Hillary Clinton and John McCain, then the dark times we currently live in will soon be darker. By default many Americans are turning to Barack Obama, because he somewhat resembles the needs of the American people, and he may not be completely all that we need, but he's a step in the right direction. That's fine by me. This country is not yet ready for real change. Baby steps. Call me a realist.
But Obama supporters always speak of change and hope like they are in style. No, if people really wanted true change, they would realize that our current political system prohibits that. (Wait a second there, Matt, don't we live in a DEMOCRACY?) No, we don't. And we don't live in a true republic. Do the citizens in this country really have the power? Does our government truly care about us?
Obama does. But he's a politician. He knows he can't say everything he thinks. Other people say everything they are thinking...Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich. Those three gave me hope late last year that change really was on the way. Now that the three have no chance, that only leaves Obama, a man who is using the system to hopefully begin to fight it?
The future is scary, but scarier with another Clinton or McCain in our executive branch come this November. In the past month or so I haven't thought as much about politics, much like I didn't before I knew people like Paul, Gravel, and Kucinich were out there. I can't stress myself over the ignorance, apathy, and just plain stupidity of my fellow Americans. I've accepted that a post-modern world will take some time. Hopefully my grandkids will see a United States the way it was meant to be, the way our forefathers envisioned it.
In the meantime, I'm going to suck it up and worry more about my Kansas Jayhawks.