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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

300 pounds

I recently bench pressed over 300 pounds for the first time in my life. What's funny is what first motivated me to reach that milestone.
About 6 years ago, someone told me that they heard Tiger Woods could bench 300 pounds. I was in disbelief. There was no way Tiger Woods, of all people, could lift that much. He certainly didn't look like he could. So I decided if he could do it, then I could. So finally, six years later, I am able to, and you know what? I believe Tiger could lift that much. Surely it helps his distance shots.

In other news, Shannon is back now and I couldn't be more happier with her. It's like we just started dating again. I can't wait to see her when I get home from work.

Also, the Royals still suck. And we're seeing Sigur Ros tonight! :) And our computer died :(

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